Robert Moore

Who I am

I am a young programmer with a passion for learning and a determination to write good meaningful code that will make a difference in the workplace. I am open minded to learning and trying new techniques and technologies. Basically, I just want to build cool stuff. I have worked at 3 different companies on enterprise projects and done a little bit of freelance work developing desktop software. My experience is mostly in Java and C# though I have done some web automation and I consider myself language agnostic as I am willing to work with any language and am always grateful for the chance to pick up a new one.

Interests Outside Of Work

My interests cover quite a broad range, from a general interest in technology to dramatic arts. I have a strong interest in computers, building them and how they work. I also game very casually. I volunteer as sound engineer at my church. I am a Children's Ministry leader as well and that often overlaps with my sound engineering. I've dabbled in some video editing but that was a while ago. I am extremely interested in cars. During my high school years I did extracurricular drama lessons and loved every moment. I haven't been on a stage for a while but those skills are transferable hence I am not scared of things like giving presentations. What's the difference between 4 people and 40 people anyway?

My Projects

Something Went Wrong

Looks like we couldn't get the project information

    Something Went Wrong

    Looks like we couldn't get the project information

      Something Went Wrong

      Looks like we couldn't get the project information